Newsletter 2018



     INTRODUCTION: The Obolo project began very insignificantly with few irrevocably committed and dynamic persons, under the umbrella of OLBTO.  It ventured into the business of Bible translation and literacy.  The laudable achievement cannot be over emphasized.  The people are excited about this singular feat.  We owe our inspired heroes and by their impeccable forthrightness today we are standing tall among our equals.  We therefore wish to keep our numerous supporters abreast of the latest developments.

     ADMINISTRATION:  The continued selfless service to God and humanity for greater Obolo in the language development is a task every Obolo son and daughter must uphold.  The financial crisis rocking the organization is giving the management sleepless nights.  The obnoxious experiences are as a result of derailment by some donors.  However, the organization is doing every thing humanly possible to address the issue.  In as much as we remain committed to serve the people, the office of the organization shall remain open for your candid support, for our patrimonies must be preserved.

    Finance: The financial position of the organization is very pathetic.  It is a well known fact that OLBTO has no source of income but depends on churches and other donors.  However, the prudent management of fund enables the organization to attain the minimal achievement so far.  The organization, being struck by the incongruity of the situation, has proposed a contributory financial scheme tagged 2k – 2k.  By the acronym, two thousand Obolo persons are expected to voluntarily contribute two thousand Naira each month to the coffers of the organization.  Meanwhile some persons have indicated interest and have started contributing to the scheme.  You may be one of them.  God bless you as you key in today.

     Literacy: The integral part of the project is literacy.  Indisputably literacy is at the core.  We have done translation work in all subjects of primary education and Obolo Readers from basic 1 – 6 are at advance stages.  Very soon all classes of the school will start using the Readers.  Plans are in top gear to establish OBEC Secondary School, and later Polytechnic, which are the planned concept of Obolo Bilingual Education Centre.  The hurdles for opening Secondary School are more complex than the Primary.  The School needs Board of Governors which shall consist of reliable and creative elites of Obolo land.

The School shall be purely Science Technological Secondary School.  Details will be made known in a subsequent bulletin.

Meanwhile, the OBEC is being promoted through Dr. (Mrs.) M. J. Aaron’s presentation at an International Conference at Abuja.  This conference was sponsored by the British Council and UNICEF.  And for this special relationship and international recognition, the British Council personnel will visit the OBEC next year January, 2019.  Our foreign donors, and Andoni Forum (AFUSA) USA, deserve our commendation for their wonderful support to bring OBEC Six classroom block to lintel level.  OBEC Primary School has reached Primary Five presently.  To God be the Glory.

     SCRIPTURE USE PROMOTION/OBOLO WEBSITE:  This department is a combination of 3 sub-projects of Obolo Jesus Film, Faith Comes By Hearing, and Pastors/Church leaders training, with the Obolo Website as a parasitic project attached to them. The projects are not at all profit oriented, but are evangelistic, spiritual focus of the Organization and also formative.  They are means of drawing the attention of Obolo people to the organization’s objectives.  We are aware that the world is gradually being transformed into a global village.  Our people, especially children, should be able to view the website and keep our patrimony alive.  It is educative, informative and lucrative.  But we cannot do without the nitty-gritty.  For a good and formidable site design we need a bi-function camera etc.  For downloading of Bible app etc. and for details of our services visit us at OLBTO, head office at Agwut Obolo.  Meanwhile, the development of Obolo e-learning on Website is in progress.  For downloading of  complete version of Obolo Bible on cell phone log on to www. or simply type “Obolo Bible’’ on your playstore and download both the Protestant and Catholic versions.


     1. Education:  

Better Education Service Delivery for All (BESDA) Program for Andoni Local Government Area. This program is at the instance of UNESCO and World Bank assistance for betterment of education service delivery in some states of the Federation of Nigeria including Rivers State.  We have since visited and discussed with the Rivers State Commissioner for Education and the Executive Chairman Rivers Universal Basic Education Board to be allowed to cooperate with the State Government for Better Education Service Delivery in the area of literacy in Andoni Local Government Area.  The intension of BESDA is to improve the quality of education in the first three years of Primary education.  We appeal that Rivers State Government will incorporate Andoni Local Government Area into the Program whenever it commences. 

2. Deaths:

The OLBTO heartily commiserates with the families of both late Lady Joyce F. Nte of Ngo Town and Mr. U. P. Ijente of Okoroete Town, who passed on to eternity on 28th September and 10th November, 2018 respectively.  Late Lady Joyce Nte was the wife of our pioneer President, late F. N. Nte, while U. P. Ijente was some time our Associate Coordinator Eastern Obolo branch.

The OLBTO hereby sends condolences to the families and the entire Anglican Communion of both LGAs. Late Joyce Nte was an inspirer to her husband while U. P. Ijente was a compassionate arbiter. Speaking at the Funeral services of both, the various ministers in charge of the services called on the mammoth crowd that gathered to pay the last homage to emulate the lives of the deceased.  The OLBTO urges members of the families to remain steadfast for both our mother and father have fought a good fight and have gone to receive the crowns of righteousness.

3. Courtesy Visit:

It was a moment of joy and a dream come through when OLBTO paid courtesy calls on chairmen of both Andoni and Eastern Obolo Local Government Areas to congratulate them and exchange views on some mutual problems facing the organization.  The Chairmen who gave them warm reception felt exhilarated and very proud to be identified with the OLBTO.  The Obolo Language and Bible Translation Organization (OLBTO) who thanked and appreciated the ebullient and dynamic chairmen of the two LGAs for the warm receptions accorded them, said, they observed the antecedents of the two Local Government Areas administration, then relentlessly deserve to better the lot of the people of the areas, made the OLBTO to single them out as quintessential gurus of our generations, and is confident that OLBTO will be remembered by being given accelerated response to the yearning and aspiration of the Organization.  Earlier, the President of OLBTO, HRH Sir Edeh-Ogwuile expressed joy for the promise that the OLBTO will be given due attention without delay.

Praises: Thank God for:

  • Relative peace in Andoni and Eastern Obolo Local Government Areas.
  • Successful completion of doctorate degree by our Literacy Consultant, Dr. Marianne Aaron.
  • Elevation of Daniel Zephaniah to the status of Chattered Accountant.
  • Peaceful burial of Mr. U.P Ijente, some time Associate Coordinator, OLBTO Eastern Obolo branch and late Lady Joyce F. Nte, our Pioneer President’s wife.
  • Successful development of Obolo Bible apps - both Protestant and Catholic versions.

Prayer:  Pray for:

  • Good health for all members of OLBTO, staff, EXCO, and BOT.
  • Completion of our OBEC Primary School building.
  • Churches to pay assessment regularly.
  • LGAs, continued support for OLBTO.
  • More sponsors of OLBTO.
  • Proposed OBEC Secondary School to take off as when due.

More people to key into the 2k – 2k


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